多样性 & 包容与知识产权2030年愿景


In this interview, International 纸 manager of 多元化和包容性, 漂白吊桶, shares her thoughts on how the company’s Vision 2030 goals are making IP’s commitment to diversity and inclusion a global one.

What does 多元化和包容性 look like at International 纸?

十大外围足彩网是一家全球性十大外围足彩网, and diversity looks different in every geography where we operate. How we approach achieving a diverse and inclusive workplace must reflect the values of IP, 以及重要的区域和地方规范. This is why we continue to broaden our understanding of diversity so that we can engage all employees globally – and across all job categories.

It’s also important that we recognize and take advantage of the diversity of experiences our employees bring to their work. We can benefit from each employee’s unique experiences by collaborating with them and being inclusive. 

多样性 of thought and diversity of experiences are what help us to create the most innovative solutions. We are helping all employees understand that diversity is a driver for collaboration, and successful collaboration drives our company’s success.

It’s about creating a workplace that fosters a sense of belonging where employees are able to bring their best self to work....

International 纸 announced our Vision 2030 goals at the beginning of 2020, 承诺为人民建设更美好的未来, 地球和我们的十大外围足彩网. How is IP enhancing diversity and inclusion using those goals?

通过目标, we’re not only advancing our contributions to the circular, 低碳经济, but we’re building on our commitments to our people and communities, and diversity and inclusion is integral to that commitment. 

繁荣昌盛的人民 & Communities goal includes three targets, or metrics, that measure success. One of these targets is to reach 30% overall representation of women companywide, including 50% representation of women in 领薪水的职位 and 30% minority representation in U.S. 领薪水的职位. 

This representation metric is what we call a “lagging indicator,” a measurable result after deliberate actions have been taken. This target is backed by a series of enterprise-wide “leading indicators,或指导我们行动的目标. 这些目标包括:

Together, these goals serve as our roadmaps to building a better future. 

此外, our commitment to diversity and inclusion reaches beyond our workforce and workplace, it is embedded in the investments we make in our communities through volunteerism and strategic partnerships with both local charities and global NGOs.

Tell me more about the role diversity and inclusion plays in International 纸’s community engagement strategy. 

我们的目标是繁荣的人民 & Communities includes a target to improve the lives of 100 million people. Achieving this target is dependent upon our community engagement strategy, which is centered on four critical community needs – Education, 饥饿, 健康 & 健康及救灾. 通过这四个标志性的原因, 十大外围足彩网解决基本需求, 提供访问, and helps to fill the gaps that enable underserved and vulnerable populations to build stronger, 更具复原力的社区. 
It is important to create opportunities for employees to be authentically involved with efforts to create lasting change in our communities. Philanthropy and volunteerism play a big role in that. Providing our employees with community engagement opportunities helps to create a greater sense of connection with their community. 进一步, many of our volunteer projects require teamwork and collaboration – important elements of inclusion and the overall employee experience.

Can you elaborate on why it’s important to include diversity and inclusion when we think about sustainability at IP?

Our Vision 2030 goals take a comprehensive approach to sustainability. It’s important to understand that for a company to be truly sustainable, it must broaden its definition of “sustainability” to include planet, people and profit – what’s known as “the triple bottom line.” 多样性 and inclusion are a critical component of our sustainability strategy, because a diverse workforce and inclusive culture will help us attract, 吸引和留住员工, 创造长期价值. 

What is your favorite thing about 多元化和包容性 at IP?

I consider myself fortunate to have the opportunity to be a change agent in the diversity and inclusion space at IP. 在我的角色里, I am responsible for implementing the vision of a diverse and inclusive culture where all individuals are valued, 参与并为十大外围足彩网的成功做出贡献. It’s about creating a workplace that fosters a sense of belonging where employees are able to bring their best self to work and recognizing that diversity and inclusion is more than policies and programs.